IM is increasingly committed to and active in all areas of Italian mission. ‘ITALIAN MINISTRIES – committed to mission!’. Currently IM is engaging in several specific aspects of mission-ministry:
Network – IM brings together believers involved in mission. A “platform” has been created where contact and encouragement facilitates a commitment to mission through “communion, communication and collaboration”.
GMI – (Gruppo Missionario Italiano/Italian Missionary Group) is an Italian missionary service agency. It exists primarily for Italians in mission both in Italy and beyond. Structurally independent, GMI is at the very heart of IM.
Azione – part of IM’s vision is to facilitate the Italian church’s involvement in the holistic aspects of mission too. IM is therefore committed to identifying and supporting in every possible way humanitarian projects of various kinds.
IM International – IM is represented internationally by Italian Ministries International (IM International) which exists to:
• Challenge (inform) believers about needs and ministry opportunities in Italy.
• Facilitate the establishing of partnerships between the mission in Italy and other countries in mission-related matters.
• Function as an “umbrella” organization in different countries for like-minded partnering Italian ministries and missionaries.
• Promote the ministry of IM in Italy and beyond.
• Receive financial help and offers of assistance and channel these resources to Italy.
IM International currently has representatives in the USA, UK and Germany.
Begin a Partnership
IM is always looking for new partners to join us in pursuing our mission of bringing together believers involved in mission. We work with a wide variety of mission organizations and churches, who are deeply committed to their work, by providing a platform where contact and encouragement facilitates a commitment to mission through “communion, communication and collaboration”. IM partners with various missionary agencies and has established formal and informal agreements with several. There are also formal “working” agreements with others. These formal partnerships are established with like-minded groups and agencies and detailed definitions as to the extent of the agreement are agreed upon. The agreements define areas of formal collaboration but are uniquely designed ad hoc each time. Our current partners find these things especially attractive about working with us. Look through our site to see how it all works and what our partners say about us.
Click here to download a typical Partnership Agreement.
Our Support structures
IM offers various services to associates:
• Pastoral care and counsel: in close working contact with the local church.
• Training: in collaboration with existing training programs or with tailor-made training programs.
• Financial support (for GMI members): proportionate assignment of funds from common “pool” (made up of incoming general gifts for the ministry in Italy) according to individual needs.
• Meetings for the associates: both at regional and national level.
• Evangelism teams: to support the ministry of the associates.
• National and international promotion/sharing of the ministry of the associates:
– At a national level through a web of contacts with local churches;
– Through webzines and occasional “Crescendo” newsletters;
– At an international level through the various “Italian Ministries” representations (USA, UK and D)