Italian Ministries is a missional network which exists to facilitate missions to, in and from Italy. Our associates continue to be accountable to their sending churches. IM’s function is to support them in their ministry. IM is not hierarchical in structure and is purely functional.
IM Association exists to: “promote and spread the Christian biblical Evangelical faith, through the missionary work of its associates”, and to “promote and engage in activities which contribute to promote a world-view which is expressly Christian, biblical and Evangelical in all spheres of human existence..” (IM Constitution, Art.3).
Our Aims
Italian Ministries (IM) exists:
• To facilitate the development of missional vision and action for the church in Italy.
• As a missional network in Italy bringing together like-minded missionaries to form a field-based fellowship.
• To offer a window of opportunity for Italians to be involved in mission service (in close collaboration with GMI).
• To work with local churches, organisations and individuals (in Italy and elsewhere) to facilitate a vision for mission.
Our History
In 1998 a group of missionaries (Kurt Jost, Giuseppe Palermo and Jonathan Gilmore) formed the FEMI association (Fellowship of Evangelical Missionaries in Italy) in response to the growing need for closer contact between missionaries in Italy, both Italian and expatriates, and act a common platform to facilitate fellowship, communication and collaboration. Italian Ministries (IM) was constituted in 2006 and takes up the heritage of FEMI, continuing and developing a vision and a commitment to mission.
What we believe
IM accepts this statement of faith:
• The Bible: We believe in its divine verbal inspiration, in its perfect inerrant authority.
• God: We believe in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
• Jesus Christ: We believe in His perfect divinity and in His complete humanity, in His expiatory work and in His coming return.
• The Holy Spirit: We believe in the Holy Spirit, in His divinity and in His personality; that He is received at the moment of conversion to God; in His indwelling all those who believe in Jesus Christ; in His action in the Church.
• Man and Sin: We believe that man is fallen and that all humanity dwells under the dominion of Satan, in rebellion, corruption and condemnation.
• Salvation: We believe that man’s justification is accomplished by God’s grace alone, in Jesus Christ, and that it is received by faith alone. We believe in the need for repentance and new birth which lead to a life of holiness, witness and service to God’s glory through the action of the Holy Spirit.
• The Church: We believe that the universal Church is made up of those redeemed by Jesus Christ. Its true and sole unity is in its only head: Jesus Christ.
• The Future: We believe in the resurrection of all persons, to the eternal happiness of the redeemed and to the eternal punishment of unrepentant sinners.