“But just as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” 2 Corinthians 8:7
As a faith ministry we believe that the work of missions is a shared effort and all can contribute in different ways. It is our work, and it is yours. We labour together as the Body of Christ. Giving is a privilege and a ministry. And you can make a vital contribution by helping missionaries to minister effectively. Our goal is to help facilitate a long-term relationship which you find satisfying and which benefits the workers on the ground. Faithful prayers and generous giving are blessed by God. The information in this page assists you in your ministry of giving. If you decide to help us, or if we can serve you in another way, please let us know.
How to give
Italian Ministries is a non-profit organization (UK registered charity, in Usa is a 501(c)(3) organization), dependent upon God for its resources. We believe that He has established this ministry and will continue to provide for our needs through the gifts of His people. To that end we extend an invitation to you to join those who are already giving to the work. Your regular contributions are of vital importance to Italian Ministries and its missionaries because they provide stability and help us to plan ahead in our ministry with confidence. Please make a prayerful commitment to any of the below. If you have questions, please contact us, we would love to talk to you. Or you can email us at info@italianministries.org
Give To
There are many aspects of the work to which you could contribute. Here are some ideas:
• Sponsor and support an Italian worker.
• IM Office (administration).
• Scholarships to train Italians believers and leaders in mission.
• Sponsor a special IM event (conference or mission congress).
• A Missionary retreat.
• Emergency fund for ministry.
• Fiscal Service for missionaries and ministries in Italy (The Rooms-Oikonomos).
• Development of resources for informing and challenging churches about mission.
• Literature publishing projects, and there are many others.
UK Residents
Italian Ministries is represented in the UK by Italian Ministries UK (a UK registered charity, number 1080054).
Italian Ministries UK (IMUK) is a UK registered charity and missional network, partnering with the global network of Italian Ministries and committed to facilitating missions in, to and through Italy. Our work is dependent upon the generous support of people like you.
If you would like to make a donation to IMUK you can do so now through the give.net website operated by Stewardship. This enables you to give quickly and easily using a credit or debit card. Just follow the simple, online instructions. Click HERE and you will be taken directly to the appropriate page for giving to IMUK.
Should you wish to send a cheque contact us and we will give you details on how to do so.
We are pleased that gifts for Italian Ministries (Italy) can now be made directly through the give.net website operated by Stewardship. Click HERE to give to Italian Ministries.
You may give one-off or regular support for particular projects/ministries/people serving in Italy. Giving can be for a named IM person/ministry/project. Additional giving details can also be indicated. Also please note then that with immediate effect giving to IM work and workers will no longer occur via the IMUK give.net page.
N.B.: If a donation is made via give.net on the Italian Ministries page please select the project/person. Where not selected, the donated funds will automatically go to the Italian Ministries general funds. All donations going through give.net will be charged a small fee (Stewardship takes 2%, IM takes between 1,5%-3,5% depending on the gift amount).
For any other information relating to giving options, please contact us.
US Residents
Donations can be made by following the informations on the website of Italian Ministries USA www.italianministriesusa.org.
You might wonder what happens to your donation. A 3% processing fee is charged on designated gifts (donations for GMI are exempt). The IM Board carefully budgets each year for the strategic use for income and, undesignated gifts are carefully and prayerfully directed to areas of the ministry where there is most need. Up to 80% of these funds go into a common fund for Italian national workers serving with GMI. Thank you very much for your generous giving and your partnership in the Gospel.